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Enameled Aluminum Strip

high conductivity insulation resistance aluminium wire

Aluminium cable conductors - the MUST know …

2020年7月22日· In critical fire performance applications, the cables you select must be carefully considered to ensure they are safe, compliant and reliable in service. At …

Aluminum and Copper Wires - Electrical Resistance vs.

0.042. values are based on electrical resistivity for copper 1.724 x 10-8 Ω m (0.0174 μΩ m) and electrical resistivity for aluminum 2.65 x 10-8 Ω m (0.0265 μΩ m) AWG, diameter mil, circular mil, diameter in mm and area …

Table of Electrical Resistivity and Conductivity - ThoughtCo

2012年12月26日· This table presents the electrical resistivity and electrical conductivity of several materials. Electrical resistivity, represented by …

職業: Chemistry Expert預估閱讀時間: 2 分鐘

Magnet wire - Wikipedia

Magnet wire is used in windings of electric motors, transformers, inductors, generators, headphones, loudspeaker coils, hard drive head positioners, electromagnets, and other devices. Electric motors convert electrical energy into mechanical motion, usually through the interaction of magnetic fields and current-carrying conductors. Electric mot…

Wikipedia · CC-BY-SA 授權下的文字預估閱讀時間: 8 分鐘

Aluminium - Electrical Resistivity and Electrical Conductivity

2020年11月13日· Electrical resistivity of Aluminium is 26.5 nΩ·m. Electrical resistivity and its converse, electrical conductivity, is a fundamental property of a material that …

Insulation Resistance of a Cable | Why Cables are …

The level or degree of insulation resistance of a cable depends on the purpose for which the cable was designed for. Apart from saving energy from being lost or dissipated to the …

Insulation Material Thermal Conductivity Chart

53 列· 0.036/0.031. Glass fibre, resin bonded. 64-144. 0.036/0.031. Source : Prepared by authors based on data from Melgarejo, 1995. TABLE B. Thermal conductivity and …

Factors affecting the insulation resistance of wires and …

2020年5月24日· Wire and cable in use, its insulation resistance value is not constant, the impact of wire and cable insulation resistance value of many factors, including four …

Aluminum vs. copper wire windings in transformers

Copper metal contains much higher electrical conductivity capabilities than aluminum, with some sources stating that aluminum contains only 61% of the conductivity of …

「high conductivity insulation resistance aluminium wire」相 …



電阻率,又稱電阻係數,是描述材料導電性能的物理量。 電阻率在數值上等於單位長度、單位截面的某種物質的電阻,數值上等於長度為一公尺,橫截面為一平方公尺的該種物質的電阻大小。 電阻率的倒數為電導率。電阻率與導體的長度、橫截面積等因素無關,是導體材料本身的電學性質,由導體的材料決定,且與溫度有關。 電阻率在國際單位制的單位是Ω·m,讀作歐姆公尺,簡稱歐公尺。常用單位為「歐姆·公尺」。 電阻率較低的物質稱…


精密的電阻温度計是用鉑做的。 已知鉑絲的電阻與温度的對應關係,只需測出鉑絲的電阻就可以知道環境温度。 有些合金如錳銅和康銅合金,電阻率幾乎不受温度變化的影響,常用來製作標準電阻 [8] [9] 。


各種材料的電阻率都隨温度的變化而變化。 純金屬的電阻率隨温度的升高而增大,電阻温度計就是利用金屬的這種特性製成的,它可以用來測量很高的温度。

4. 超導體 的直流電阻率在一定的低溫下突然消失,被稱作零電阻效應。 導體 沒有了電阻。


電阻率是反映物質對 電流 阻礙作用的屬性,電阻是反映物體對電流阻礙作用的能力大小。

1.電阻率 ρ 不僅和導體的材料有關,還和導體的温度有關。 在温度變化不大的範圍內,幾乎所有金屬的電阻率隨温度作線性變化,即 ρ = ρo (1+ at )。


國際單位制 中,電阻率的單位是歐姆·米,常用單位是歐姆·平方毫米/米。 與 導體 長度 L ,橫截面積 S 無關,只與物體的材料和温度有關,有些材料的電阻率隨着温度的升高而增大,有些反之。



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